Embedded UI Components

Integrations don’t have to be painful. UNIPaaS’ off-the-shelf UI components make your integration process smooth and saves your team months of work, while providing your users with a fully branded, in-app experience like no other.

Streamline user registration and verification

Use our Registration component to create a seamless experience for your users to start getting paid.Prepopulate any existing information your platform has to reduce user friction even more!

Supercharge your users’ invoices

Our Invoice component is uniquely designed to give your users control over how they get their invoices paid. Give them full control in selecting which payment methods they offer their customers, while enjoying AI-driven recommendations to increase payment likelihood and speed.

All Payment-Related information in one dashboard

Our flagship component, the Pay Portal, gives your users an intuitive, full picture view of all of their payments. With advanced break-down, filtering and sorting capabilities, this all-in-one view shows your users all the information they need to manage their business with their payments in check.

A Bite-Size Overview of Payments

The Pay Portal component’s little sister is the Balance component. This lean (but useful!) component is designed to give your users a high-level glimpse of the most important information they need. Perfect for embedding on your home screen or user dashboard as a valuable widget!

Real-Time Notifications When They Matter Most

The Notifications component provides your users with all payment-related information they need to understand where they stand at any moment. We will make sure your users are always receiving the necessary updates to get paid as fast and as transparently as possible.

Direct Debit Set Up Made Simple.

Let your users intuitively set up Direct Debit mandates with their loyal, recurring customers. The Mandate Request component lets them send out personalised, targeted mandate requests to each customer, ensuring a smooth Direct Debit experience.